DEC. 4th Reception “FUSE”
Fuse | A Group Exhibition
/fyōōz/ join or blend to form a single entity
We are closing out the year with 9 dynamic artists from New Mexico, South Carolina, Wisconsin, Texas and California for a remarkable group exhibition. Selected for their individuality and exceptional applications, we have saved the very best for our December Exhibition. Featuring works such as glass and metal sculpture, wood block prints, colorful abstracts, paper cutouts, watercolor studies and so much more! The HUD Studios will also be open, so be sure to see what’s new from our resident artists. Come for the art, stay and meet the artists. Art Happens Here!
The HUD Gallery + Featured Artists
Davia King + http://Daviaking.com/
Sam Slater + www.samslater.net
Chalda Maloff + www.chalda.com
Stephanie Holznecht + www.scholznecht.com
Tony Lazorko + http://lazorko.com/
Carly Drew + www.carly-drew.com
Steven Long + www.stevenlongart.com
Brooke Sauer + http://brookesauer.com/
George Jercich + www.facebook.com/
The HUD Studios + 1st Floor
Nash Rightmer + www.facebook.com/
Yessíca Torres + www.gunmonkeyart.com
Jonas Lara + www.jonaslara.com
Joel Paul Beers + www.instagram.com/
Hekar Rivera + www.hekarstudio.com
Lisa Caren + www.facebook.com/
The HUD Studios + 2nd Floor
Petrina Sharp + www.petrinart.com
Eva Ryan + www.evaart.gallery
Travis Shields + www.instagram.com/
Jane Peterson + www.facebook.com/
Marlyn Daggett + www.marlynmixed.media
Mariana Pierano + www.peiranoart.com
Exhibition curated by Dab Art
Preview this show at www.DabArt.me