CONCEIVE | A Group Exhibition
Our October exhibit, CONCEIVE explores the cognitive process of the contemporary artist. Discover the origin of artistic reasoning and view the final evolutions of this surprising collection. Featuring artists from Canada, Oklahoma, Michigan, Indiana, Texas and California. Using their individual perspectives and mediums, each artist adds a distinctive fragment to this exclusive exhibit. Do not miss our opening reception on Friday, October 2nd! All of the artists in this group exhibit will be at the opening, talking about their personal creative process and finished works. Come for the art, stay and meet the artists!!!
The HUD Gallery | Featured Artists
Wing Lee | www.wingyeenoodledoodles.com
Luis Grane | luisgrane.tumblr.com
Vicky Talwar | vickytalwar.ca
Ronald Walker | www.ronald-walker.artistwe
Denise Duong | www.deniseduongart.com
Kim Myhre | www.ceramicsbykim.com
Brian Spolans | www.brianspolans.com
Anna Gelman | www.annagelman.com
Erik Deely | www.erikdeerly.com
Karuna Rajanayakam | www.artbykaruna.com
Angela Rossi | www.beatupcreations.com
AND Don’t forget to tour the HUD Art Studios, view original art and works in progress from our resident artists. Their personal studios will also be open during the reception.
The HUD Studios | Resident Artists
Nash Rightmer | Nash Rightmer Art
Yessíca Torres | www.gunmonkeyart.com
Barbara Alessandra | www.baplove.com
Jonas Lara | www.jonaslara.com
Jessica Mavros | Jessica Mavros Studio
Petrina Sharp | www.petrinart.com
Lisa Caren | Pierpont Design
Hekar Rivera | www.hekarstudio.com
Eva Ryan | www.evaart.gallery
Mariana Royuela | www.peiranoart.com
Travis D. Shields | Travis Shields Art
Alena Sablan | Kaleidoscope Design Studio
Joel Paul Beers | Srpntwlf Studio
Jane Peterson | Jane Peterson Art
Marlyn Daggat | Marlyn Daggat Art
Curated by DabArt.me