The HUD Gallery’s September exhibit is focusing on unexpected perspectives and provisions. We are featuring an amazing group of artists who are defined by their unusual materials and distinctive styles. We’ll be showcasing a curious collection of photography, abstracts, organic sculptures, digital mediums, illustrations, wood assemblage and collage. Join us on Friday, September 4th for our opening reception to meet this eclectic group of artists and tour our resident studios!
**OPENING NIGHT** Opening night special guest, David Oliver will be performing at 9pm. David’s unique music is a blend of performance art, poetry and humor, locally known as Red Grass. Don’t miss out!
Come for art, stay and meet the artists. ART HAPPENS HERE!
The HUD Gallery | Featured Artists
Darlene Roker | www.enpleinairphotography.
Kaci Ferguson | www.texttileandstitch.com
Nyx Sanguino | www.nyx-arts.com
Dominga Opazo | www.mingaopazo.com
Bruce Sanders | www.brucesanders-art.com
Patricia Lelie | www.patricialelie.com
Joanne Chase-Matillo | www.joannechasematillo.com
Adam Azeris | www.ghstknvs.tumblr.com
Ana Phelps | www.anaphelpsphotography.c
Chris Smith | www.hooliganarts.com
Deborah Eley De Bono | www.deborahdebono.com
David Oliver | www.facebook.com/pages/
The HUD Studios | Resident Artists
Nash Rightmer | Nash Rightmer Art
Yessíca Torres | www.gunmonkeyart.com
Barbara Alessandra | www.baplove.com
Jonas Lara | www.jonaslara.com
Jessica Mavros | Jessica Mavros Studio
Petrina Sharp | www.petrinart.com
Lisa Caren | Pierpont Design
Hekar Rivera | www.hekarstudio.com
Eva Ryan | www.evaart.gallery
Mariana Royuela | www.peiranoart.com
Travis D. Shields | Travis Shields Art
Alena Sablan | Kaleidoscope Design Studio
Joel Paul Beers | Srpntwlf Studio
Jane Peterson | Jane Peterson Art
Curated by Dab Art
Preview this show at www.dabart.me